Raising Errors in Transact-Sql

There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about the way errors should be raised in newer versions of Transact-Sql. The documentation for RAISERROR says: “New applications should use THROW instead.” It doesn’t say that RAISERROR is deprecated; when you look at the list of deprecated features what you find is that invoking RAISERROR without an error number is now deprecated, but it’s unclear whether the command itself will go. Continue reading Raising Errors in Transact-Sql

Hitchbot and the Fluffy-Minded Herd

Your thoughts on that Hitchbot story this summer? Over the holidays I decided I would blog mine, even though it means straying from the strictly tech focus of this blog. If I insult your intelligence below, I just wish that more of your common sense was out there on the web – most of what I found was fluffy-minded outrage at the “killing” of a “friendly” childbot. Anyway: Continue reading Hitchbot and the Fluffy-Minded Herd